Refurbished Little Bench

Gray bench with leaf fabric insert

This little bench was a garage sale find from a few years ago, but I didn't get around to completely updating it until recently. Let's take a quick look back at what this bench looked like when I first got it. 

Kitty bench - before

Yea, not really my style. Don't get me wrong, I love cats, just not necessarily as part of my decor. So, as a temporary update I wrapped the kitty fabric in some orange outdoor fabric that I had left over from covering some outdoor seat cushions.

Bench with orange print fabric

It worked for a while, but as I am in the process of updating our home color scheme (moving from warm colors to a more cool palette) this was not going to work. I decided to give the wood a coat of the same graphite colored paint I used here and here, keeping the same colors moving throughout the entire house.

Priming the bench

So, after a coat of primer and a couple of coats of paint on the wood frame, it was time to get the new fabric on the bench. I removed the orange fabric and just left the kitty fabric on. I laid the fabric right-side down on a table and cut just slightly larger than the bench, then it was just a matter of pulling the fabric tight and stapling it to the bottom.

Recovering the bench top

And, once it is all stapled, I flipped it over and here is what I had. Beautimous! I am a sucker for botanical fabrics, they are the ones I am always drawn to when I am shopping for fabric for some reason.

Bench cushion with leaf fabric

I was super happy with the finished bench once I put it all back together. It went back to it's place behind the loveseat, holding the basket of playing cards we keep out for the boys. It looks brand new and is definitely helping to set the tone for the new feel I am going for in our space.

Dark Gray bench with tropical leaf fabric

Dark Gray bench with tropical leaf fabric

Dark Gray bench with leaf fabric and basket of cards

Do you have one particular type of fabric that you are always drawn to?

*Shared at*


  1. Love the update you did to your bench! For a fun pattern I might try paisley in some bright colors. I am also a sucker for burlap :)

  2. Wow! the before was quite hideous, wasn't it? The after is stunningly gorgeous.
    What fabric am I drawn to?
    I am really drawn to your gorgeous basket! Oh my!

    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

    1. Thanks! It is definitely quite a nice change from the original! (And I love that basket too!)


  3. This is too cute! The difference is amazing! Iā€™d love for you to link it up at my link party, DIY Weekend!

    See you there!
    Miranda @ Mr. and Mrs. Winslett

  4. Stephanie, I love how ugly this was and how amazing it turned out! SO so cute and I love the idea of storing games on it. I never know where to put ours so we can access them easily when we want to :). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! I try to keep the kid friendly games out within easy reach so the kids can be a little more independent with their playtime (and *hopefully* put stuff back where it belongs).


  5. What an awesome change Stephanie!! Love how your little bench turned out- great fabric choice:)


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