Chalkboard Trays

Wooden Tray with Gold Accents

I am the first to admit that I am not an interior decorator by any means, and also I don't rush out and buy something because everyone else is buying it, or starting painting or decorating a certain way because it seems everyone else is doing it. With that in mind here is my latest crafty project from the other night.

Wooden trays and paint

Chalkboard paint! Talk about being trendy (or behind the trend in my case)!! Yea, yea if you read home decor magazines and read blogs other than just this one, you have seen just about anything turned into a chalkboard. I know I am late to the party, but I just couldn't a) come up with a real need to have a chalkboard and b) I didn't know what I would even turn into a chalkboard if I decided I wanted one. I didn't need a giant chalkboard calendar or to-do list hanging on the wall, and seriously if I painted the inside of a cabinet door with it, it would never get used (it's a great idea, just not practical for me).

And Gold! Double trendy, look at me go! Now, this gold trend is a little newer, and honestly I wasn't completely sold on the idea of bringing gold colored (and brass! really?!) accents into our space. I mean didn't we just rid our homes of the shiny brass stuff, and now it's creeping back in? I guess everything in moderation, and I had a bottle of gold paint just waiting to be used on something, so I am starting small.

Enter these handy little wood trays:

Wooden Trays

They had just enough detailing to them to make painting inside the lines relatively easy.

They are also not too big and they are super lightweight, so hanging them with command strips works perfectly. And I think they are going to make a good addition to my seasonal displays.

Wooden Tray with Gold Accents

Wooden Tray with Gold Accents

Wooden Tray with Gold Accents

What do you think, have you painting anything in your home with chalkboard paint? What are your thoughts on bringing the bling back into your space?

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  1. This looks great! I nominated you for a Leibster Award on my blog today! Please check it out! Have a wonderful day!

    Leah @

    1. Thank you so much!! I will be getting work on my nominations this week!


  2. What a pretty upcycle! I love the little gold accents! Thanks for sharing this at the Pinworthy Project Party!

  3. What a great upcycle! Iv really got to get my hands on some chalkboard paint, it would be so handy to have it in the kitchen to write my weekly menu on :)

  4. Super cute! I personally like the new gold trend...but like you said, in moderation! Love your trays!


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